LGBT2020: 'LGBT Diversity: Show Me The Business Case'
report available for free download now at the world's first .LGBT
domain: www.OutNow.LGBT
The latest LGBT market data
The world's largest LGBT market research initiative
- LGBT2020 -
has now released 2015 travel market data reports for the world's
most significant LGBT markets - USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Brazil,
France, Germany, India, Israel, Mexico.

The Full Reports on the toursm market are available for free
exclusively to members of ONBC -
Out Now Business Class and covers a wealth of new market
information listed below:
- Most popular aspirational travel destinations
- Relationship status
- Intention to become parents
- Education levels
- Advertising - optimising media, optimising messaging
- Media usage
- Internet usage
- Social media tracking
- Personal internet use
- Internet use from mobile device
- Percentage holding valid passport
- Importance of genuine warm welcome
- Hotel booking channels
- Airline booking channels
- Number of hotel nights stayed by star rating
- Importance of Pride or LGBT cultural event
- Importance of staff training
- Sponsorship efficacy
- Marketing efficacy
Case study - UK LGBT market report
Favourite destinations
One of the aspects of the LGBT study is the inclusion of rankings
of international destinations and the new UK research reveals a
number of interesting LGBT tourism facts.
The most popular US cities for UK LGBT tourists are New York City
followed by San Francisco and then LA/West Hollywood. Other US
cities to make the Top Ten North American LGBT destinations for UK
LGBT people include Las Vegas, Miami, Washington DC, Chicago and
In Canada, the most popular city was Vancouver.
Rio de Janeiro was a clear winner in the Latin America region
followed by Buenos Aires in Argentina and Mexico City in
Cancun was the second most popular Mexican destination for UK LGBT
In Asia and Australia, the Top Five intended destinations during
the next three years for UK LGBT travellers are:
- Sydney
- Tokyo
- Melbourne
- Hong Kong
- Beijing.
Advertising and marketing efficacy
The new LGBT2020 report for the UK market shows that advertising
and markeitng works most effectively when it is tailored to
specifically include LGBT themes.
The Full Report reveals a significant difference between response
levels towards advertising that appears in mainstream media
compared to advertising placed into LGBT-specific media.
Media usage
In the Full Report there is much interesting data on the use of
all key forms of media by LGBT consumers.
Facebook is seen to be a relevant part of the media mix with 41%
of all respondents indicating that they check their Facebook
account "many times each day" and a further 26% doing so "a few
times a day".
Google+ - the online social media network promoted by Google has,
on the other hand, failed to capture the interest of UK LGBT people
with the majority (68%) saying that they "never" engage with the
The research shows that gay media remains an important channel to
market that many brands often overlook in their rush to focus on
social media marketing when it comes to the LGBT market.
For example, the LGBT2020 report shows that in 2012, 44% of all
respondents spent between 1 and 4 hours
weekreading gay online media. A further 26% spend longer
than that every week surfing through LGBT websites online.
Twitter is a media that splits the market. Almost six in every ten
UK LGBT respondents rarely or never use Twitter. At the other end
of the spectrum, 23% of respondents use Twitter "many times every
day" or "a few times each day".
Access the research
Full copies of the LGBT2020 research findings are available
exclusively to members of
Out Now
Business Class - the world's leading networking association for
the global LGBT tourism industry.

The LGBT2020 global research initiative is the world's largest
LGBT market research project ever undertaken. It has already
sampled, in twelve languages, almost 100,000 LGBT respondents
living in more than 20 countries across the world.
The latest LGBT2020 data collection, for reporting in 2014, has
commenced with the first data collection for numerous countries at Additional countries
across Asia are being added into the sample this year as the
LGBT2020 study continues on its course to map the most extensive
picture of LGBT people's lives around the globe.
For more information on the LGBT2020 initiative, contact
Out Now
- and to access the full LGBT2020 research reports,
apply for membership in ONBC. You can also
learn more details on the
benefits of membership in Out Now Business