Monday 7 October 2013
Glen Watson
Director General
Office for National Statistics
United Kingdom
(i) +44-(0)1633 456179
(ii) +44-(0)1633 652747
(iii) +44-(0)20 7014 2453
(i) Media Relations, ONS
(ii) Mervyn Stevens
Complaints Officer, UK Statistics Authority
Dear Mr Watson
I write to request you withdraw data published by the ONS last
week (3 October 2013) as part of the Integrated Household Survey:
Out Now is a specialist global consultancy that has worked in the
area of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) research
since 1992 and we are very concerned that poor methodology employed
in this ONS data has caused the results to be most
In the summary of Key Findings you claim that your research shows
that "1.5 per cent of adults in the UK identified themselves as
Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual."
This claim is not only inaccurate as a true measure of the
prevalence of homosexuality and bisexuality in the United Kingdom,
it is dangerous as it is prone to misreporting and may lead to
funding problems for organisations focused on the health of LGB
The research methodology you have employed is not suitable for the
purpose of obtaining an accurate measure of homosexuality and
bisexuality in the UK.
That this is so can be seen by reference to research from the
United States which uses superior methodologies to arrive at vastly
different results in measuring the prevalence of bisexuality and/or
homosexuality in the USA.
So far as Out Now is concerned, the Yankelovich MONITOR Study of
1992 reported on in 1993 remains the benchmark standard for
methodology when it comes to allowing respondents to identify as
gay or lesbian to the researcher. That study was a household survey
of US households but their methodology for data collection of such
a sensitive metric as respondents' sexual identity was far superior
to yours. In this random-sample study, just under six per cent of
the US population was found to identify as
In the US Yankelovich research, interviews were conducted in
respondents' living rooms and the question related to sexual
orientation was asked only on the third visit - once a rapport of
confidence and trust could have been established between the
interviewer and each individual respondent. The Yankelovich
research used flip cards which were randomised such that the
respondent knew that for the question set including the question on
sexual orientation, each interviewer had no way of knowing what
specific response an individual respondent had given for this
question. In so doing, both researcher and respondent had vastly
increased confidence levels that the responses given truly were
confidential and not able to be linked back personally to a
particular respondent.
In your most recent "Experimental Research" that you reported on
last week, your interview subjects were contacted at home, by a
stranger they had not previously met and were asked to reveal their
sexuality to that person. Your 'randomising' of responses for that
question and inviting the respondent to say "stop" when their own
sexual orientation was mentioned does nothing to preserve the
confidentiality between the researcher and the respondent in
relation to what is for many people in the UK a highly sensitive
piece of personal information.
If you doubt that your research is flawed by virtue of its poor
methodology I suggest you consider the results given for "Don't
know / refusal" on the sexual orientation question.
For almost all age groups this result is approaching 4% of the
total sample.
Does it not strike anyone at ONS as perhaps a bit 'odd' that this
many people might not know their own sexual orientation? If we are
therefore to conclude that these respondents are in fact refusing
to divulge their sexuality - a not unreasonable assumption we
contend, given the clumsy way in which respondents are expected in
your research to 'out' themselves to a total stranger - then the
only valid conclusion that your research ought to be able to make
"Up to 4% of UK people prefer not to divulge their sexuality to a
stranger when asked to for an ONS research study".
Of course one could attempt to assert that respondents would be
reassured by the researcher that this information is confidential -
but that fails to understand a fundamental reality of being
lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) in the UK in 2013:
large numbers of people are not 'out' about their sexual
orientation - even with many people whom they know very well.
Out Now undertakes a global LGBT research initiative called
LGBT2020 and since 2010 this project has sampled more than 15,000
LGBT people in the UK. In the next few weeks that study will be
sampling its 100,000th respondent globally on LGBT issues.
What the LGBT2020 research shows very clearly is that for many
people, revealing their sexuality is a 'risky business' and they
employ a range of tactics in a range of scenarios.
For example, at work in the UK in 2012, the LGBT2020 study shows
that only 52% of LGBT respondents were out to all their work
colleagues as an L,G,B or T person.
You can read more about this in the "International
LGBT2020 Homophobia Report".
That report shows that, of the more than 2,500 UK respondents
sampled in the Out Now 2012 study, only 56% of respondents feel
able to be out to all their family members.
The reasons for such reluctance are not hard to discern when we
consider that 53% of respondents report witnessing issues related
to homophobia in their workplaces.
49% of respondents also reported personally experiencing at
least one incident of verbal harassment last year due to their
sexual orientation or gender identity.
6% were harassed by their neighbours and 15% of respondents
experienced personal harassment in their own workplaces because
they are LGBT.
Given this background, it perhaps becomes more understandable why
your sample reports such a high level of "Don't know/refusal" to
answer the question on sexual orientation, when asked by a stranger
- a person they have not previously met who knows their phone
number and/or their home address.
If you still doubt that your methodology on sexual orientation
is to blame for such low reported levels of bisexuality and
homosexuality, then you may like to also consider the findings of
one of the largest recent peer-reviewed academic research studies
on human sexuality:
"National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB)" -
undertaken by the University of Indiana and reported on in 2010.
Details are here
and you will note that they report:
"While about 7% of adult women and 8% of men identify as
gay, lesbian or bisexual, the proportion of individuals in
the U.S. who have had same-gender sexual interactions at some point
in their lives is higher."
Now we either need to conclude that people in the USA are around
five times more likely to be gay, lesbian or bisexual or else we
are left with the conclusion that Out Now has reached which is that
your research is misleading, inaccurate and dangerous.
In relation to this last point, consider the instances above from
the LGBT2020 research by Out Now showing how many LGBT people
experienced harassment and discrimination in the UK during the
sample period of your own research.
I present - as one example of how inaccurate data in this area can
be used against LGB people - this report from the Daily
Mail of October 3, 2013:
'1.5% of Britons say they are gay or
bisexual: Number hasn't increased in past year despite Cameron's
drive for equality
Office for National Statistics found homosexual population has not
Number is a quarter of the six per cent claimed by lobbyists and
The data you are responsible for publishing is not fit for purpose
and risks being used by those who may not 'like' gay, lesbian or
bisexual people to undermine their rights. It may be used similarly
to seek to reduce funding for government and NGO initiatives
focused on LGB people in the UK.
For this reason, on behalf of Out Now, I request the immediate
withdrawal of this data - collected in both 2010 and 2012 - from
your reported statistics.
I look forward to your urgent response.
Yours sincerely,
CEO, Out Now